International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme
Language: English and Mandarin
Language is fundamental to learning and permeates the entire PYP. By learning language as well as learning about and through language, students nurture an appreciation of the richness of language and a love of
literature. We offer english and mandarin classes for IB PYP.
International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme

Mathematics is viewed as a vehicle to support inquiry, providing a global language through which students make sense of the world around them. In a PYP classroom, mathematics is a vital and engaging part of students’ lives. Students in the classroom are very active with an underlying sense of organisation and cooperation.
International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme
Science is arranged into four main strands: living things, earth and space, materials and matter, forces and energy. Science provides opportunities for students to engage in scientific investigations by making accurate
observations, handling tools, recording and comparing data, and formulating explanations using their own scientific experiences and those of others.
International Primary Curriculum
In line with our cross-curricular approach, children will explore a wide variety of genres both in English lessons and other curriculum areas, such as through our IPC curriculum subjects.
International Primary Curriculum
Learning in English and Mathematics are linked wherever
possible to the International Primary Curriculum themes to provide the
children a deeper understanding of the topics and a wider application of
their skills.
International Primary Curriculum
Children are taught subject skills, knowledge and understanding through hands-on, practical experiences linked to real-life learning.
Cambridge Primary
English as a Second Language (0057)
English as a Second Language curriculum empowers even the youngest learners to communicate confidently and effectively. It helps them to develop the skills needed to respond to a range of information, media and texts. The programme promotes active learning, develops thinking skills and encourages intellectual engagement.
Cambridge Primary
English (0058)
Cambridge Primary English encourages a life-long enthusiasm for reading, writing and spoken communication. Learners develop English skills for different purposes and audiences. This curriculum is for learners who have English as a first language, and can be used in any cultural context.Â
Cambridge Primary
Mathematics (0096)
Learners develop a holistic understanding of the subject, focussing on principles, patterns, systems, functions and relationships. They will become mathematically competent and fluent in computation, which they can apply to everyday situations.
Cambridge Primary
Science (0097)
This curriculum covers six main areas: biology, chemistry, physics, earth and space, thinking and working scientifically, and science in context. Students will think scientifically and develop practical skills alongside knowledge and understanding, which is vital for explaining the world around us.